'I was absolutely shocked': Expat warns of unexpected costs that come with living in Italy ()

GB News Travel
· 8 hours ago
'I was absolutely shocked': Expat warns of unexpected costs that come with living in Italy

<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="no" src="https://www.gbnews.com/res/scraper/embed/?video_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmm-v2.simplestream.com%2Fiframe%2Fplayer.php%3Fkey%3D3Li3Nt2Qs8Ct3Xq9Fi5Uy0Mb2Bj0Qs%26player%3DGB003%26uvid%3D52452450%26type%3Dvod%26viously_id%3DCxecoa-PlW3" width="100%"></iframe><br/><p>Moving abroad comes with costs that people expect, such as visas and living expenses, but some outgoings are not anticipated.</p><p>An expat, who has lived in Italy for over a decade, has shared two taxes individuals may not realise they have to pay when moving abroad.</p><h3></h3><br/><p>Expat Valeira spoke on the YouTube channel Dramatically Expatic on the additional expenses that come with owning a car.</p><p>Valeria said: "The number one thing that was quite surprising for me is that owning a car in Italy can be pretty expensive, and it varies based on the region or the city where you live."</p><h3></h3><br/><img alt="Expat Valeria in Italy" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="bf08240815beb29ba2a34ca810d39c24" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="99599" loading="lazy" src="https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/expat-valeria-in-italy.png?id=58012105&width=980"/><h3></h3><br/><div class="embed-latest"></div><p>In Italy, road taxes are "quite high", and people have to pay the "Bollo Auto", which is the annual vehicle ownership tax.</p><p>The Bollo Auto is calculated and paid at a regional level based on engine power, the residence where you drive and the impact on the environment.</p><p>The expat explained: "You can expect to pay quite a lot. Then, car insurance can get ridiculously expensive because it depends on the city where you reside. I learned when I moved to Florence, I had to renew my car insurance, which cost way more.</p><p>"It's because Florance is a metropolitan area and sees more accidents. I was absolutely shocked to find this out and was re-evaluating whether I needed the car at all because it can get pretty expensive."</p><h3></h3><br/><div class="embed-dontmiss"></div><p>What came as a huge surprise to the expat is the television tax you have to pay in Italy.</p><p>She said: "Italy loves some random taxes. For example, the television tax will be added to your electricity bill. </p><p>"It sounds ridiculous but it is a thing in Italy. If you do not own a television, to avoid paying this tax, you will have to apply every year and let the officials know that you do not own a television because it is automatically assumed that you have one."</p><p>Individuals who do not let officials know every single year that they do not own a television will be taxed.</p><h3></h3><br/><div class="embed-mostread"></div><p><strong>LATEST DEVELOPMENTS</strong></p><ul><li><a href="https://www.gbnews.com/travel/expat-portugal-challenges-cost-of-living" target="_self">Expat shares why moving to Portugal has become 'extremely difficult' - 'it's very competitive'</a></li><li><a href="https://www.gbnews.com/travel/expat-thailand-safe-challenges-asian-destination" target="_self">Expat names Asian utopia as 'one of the safest places' to live - but it does have its 'challenges'</a></li><li><a href="https://www.gbnews.com/travel/expat-italy-bureaucracy-cost-of-living" target="_self">Expat warns that Italy is not a perfect destination - 'it's not all wine and sunsets'</a></li></ul><h3></h3><br/><img alt="Naples, Italy" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="ad795335998e724521a9802ed56af69f" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="99370" loading="lazy" src="https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/naples-italy.jpg?id=56657904&width=980"/><p>The expat added: "I think it is common knowledge but taxes are pretty high. </p><p>"If you are planning on moving here and being self-employed, be prepared to pay a large sum of what you make in taxes."</p><p><a href="https://www.gbnews.com/travel/expats-italy-sicily-rubbish-streets" target="_blank">Another pair of expats in Italy shared problems putting people off moving to Italy.</a></p><p>They shared there is a huge rubbish problem that is impacting the island of Sicily, with there seemingly not being an "importance on cleaning up".</p>


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