NHS warned not use 'midwife' as use of word could 'upset' transgender people ()

GB News Health
· 21 hours ago
NHS warned not use 'midwife' as use of word could 'upset' transgender people

<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="no" src="https://www.gbnews.com/res/scraper/embed/?video_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmm-v2.simplestream.com%2Fiframe%2Fplayer.php%3Fkey%3D3Li3Nt2Qs8Ct3Xq9Fi5Uy0Mb2Bj0Qs%26player%3DGB003%26uvid%3D52814103%26type%3Dvod%26viously_id%3DtcQwJ648WFe" width="100%"></iframe><br/><p>Academics have called for the NHS to replace the term "midwife" with "lead perinatal practitioner" to be more inclusive of transgender people.</p><p>The proposal comes in a new research paper published in the journal Birth Issues in Perinatal Care.</p><h3></h3><br/><p>The authors argue the traditional term, used since medieval times, is outdated and "upholds the patriarchy".</p><p>Critics have branded the suggestion "nonsense", saying maternity services are already under significant strain.</p><h3></h3><br/><img alt="Midwife" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="46a538954f66d508b4d73406dd20710e" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="2e39f" loading="lazy" src="https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/midwife.jpg?id=57666157&width=980"/><h3></h3><br/><div class="embed-latest"></div><p>Dr John Peddleton, a senior lecturer in midwifery from the University of Northampton, and Dr Sally Pezaro, an academic midwife from Coventry University, authored the paper.</p><p>Titled "From Midwife to Lead Perinatal Practitioner: A Utopian Vision", the research claims the current terminology "subordinates all who give birth".</p><p>"As trans and non-binary people increasingly require access to midwifery services, this paper proposes an alternative professional title that is inclusive," the authors write.</p><p>They suggest the change would liberate midwives from "continuously reinscribing the sex/gender binary in their nomenclature".</p><p><strong>MORE LIKE THIS:</strong></p><ul><li><a href="https://www.gbnews.com/news/nhs-guide-nonsensical-trans-collegues-beards-women" target="_self">NHS guide blasted as 'nonsensical' after staff told to treat trans colleagues with beards 'as women'</a><strong></strong></li><li><a href="https://www.gbnews.com/news/trans-row-banning-puberty-blockers-allowing-hormones-unlawful-former-patient" target="_self">Banning puberty blockers while allowing cross-sex hormones is ''unlawful' claims former patient</a></li><li><a href="https://www.gbnews.com/news/nhs-fund-trans-surgery-cruelty" target="_self">NHS covers 1,000 trans chest surgery patients every year as taxpayers fund 'cruelty for parents'</a></li></ul><h3></h3><br/><img alt="Midwife" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="609609e511533ea83eb5e89a47d731be" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="57b01" loading="lazy" src="https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/midwife.jpg?id=57666625&width=980"/><h3></h3><br/><div class="embed-dontmiss"></div><p>The authors argue the word "midwife" is not flexible enough for modern society and "acts as a crucible for the crisis by upholding rigid understandings of sex and gender in childbearing".</p><p>They claim the current term holds back the profession as it could apply to either male or female staff.</p><p>"While recognising that the word 'midwife' may conjure historical and societal images and feelings of nostalgia, it will be important to move past this," the paper states.</p><p>The academics suggest the change would help eradicate "gender inequalities in the reproductive arena".</p><p>The proposal has faced strong criticism from other academics and campaigners.</p><p>"It is women as a sex category who are pregnant and give birth, regardless of how they identify," said Anna Melamed, a midwifery lecturer at the University of the West of England.</p><p>"Midwives are one of the few professions who proudly and clearly stand by and on the side of women."</p><h3></h3><br/><img alt="NHS" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="c224ef47747ea413b76d09e748bfe11c" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="ce16a" loading="lazy" src="https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/nhs.png?id=54539468&width=980"/><h3></h3><br/><div class="embed-mostread"></div><p>Helen Joyce, of the charity Sex Matters, dismissed the idea as "ideological nonsense being foisted upon" already pressured maternity services.</p><p>Social media users also rejected the proposal, with one commenting: "Stop worrying about titles and labels."</p><p>Some NHS trusts have already begun using <a href="https://www.gbnews.com/news/nhs-guide-nonsensical-trans-collegues-beards-women" target="_blank">alternative terminology in their services.</a></p><p>Terms like "birthing person" have been introduced instead of "mother" in efforts to be more trans-friendly.</p><p>Dr Peddleton and Dr Pezaro believe scrapping the term midwife would signal a "trailblazing contribution" towards eliminating gender inequalities.</p><p>However, public reaction has been largely negative, with one social media user writing: "This is totally ridiculous. If you are giving birth you are a woman and, as such, require a midwife."</p>


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