Alberta Health Services calls wrongful dismissal suit filed by former CEO 'groundless and vexatious' ()

CBC Health
· 12 hours ago
Alberta Health Services calls wrongful dismissal suit filed by former CEO 'groundless and vexatious'

<img src='!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/athana-mentzelopoulos-plus-ahs-logo.jpg' alt='A composite photo. On the left, a building sign that reads Alberta Health Services. On the right, a woman wearing a green blazer is speaking.' width='620' height='349' title='Athana Mentzelopoulos, right, filed a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against Alberta Health Services after being terminated as the health authority&apos;s CEO and president in January 2025.'/><p>In its statement of defence, the health authority says former CEO Athana Mentzelopoulos was terminated because of her 'own inadequacies' in performing her job.</p>


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