How to look younger: 'My grandma’s secret to beautiful skin is a daily snack that significantly boosts elasticity' ()

GB News Health
· 11 hours ago
How to look younger: 'My grandma’s secret to beautiful skin is a daily snack that significantly boosts elasticity'

<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe><br/><p>While genetics significantly influence the condition of mature skin, a good skin care routine and a balanced diet are also key.</p><p>Speaking on her TikTok channel, skincare enthusiast Yuri Lee revealed that these tips helped her grandma maintain glowing skin at 82.</p><h3></h3><br/><p>She told viewers that natto, a staple Japanese food made from whole soybeans, is a daily staple in the octogenarian grandmother's diet.</p> <p>She told her viewers: “My grandma eats natto every day for her beautiful skin.”</p><h3></h3><br/><div class="embed-latest"></div><h3></h3><br/><img alt="Yuri and grandmother" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="4ceeb11a076a3036e2114b2ffc634abc" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="2a8d7" loading="lazy" src=""/><p><br/></p> <p><br/></p><p>Research investigating the benefits of natto for the skin was investigated in a 2023 <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">study</a> published in Cosmetics. </p> <p>Involving 15 women aged 40 to 65, the study examined the impact of taking 250 mg of natto daily for six weeks on human skin.</p><p>The researchers noted: “The results suggested that oral administration of bacillus natto productive protein (BNPP) may significantly enhance skin rosiness and also achieve significant improvement in skin conditions."</p><p>These were "defined as complexion, skin elasticity and resilience, moist feeling, skin texture, cosmetic adhesion, fine lines, under-eye darkness, eye bags, sagging cheeks, and sagging mouth".<br/></p><h3></h3><br><div class="embed-dontmiss"></div><h3></h3><br><p><br/></p><p>The scientist studied the protein for its cosmetic potential and found that it could help scavenge free radicals.</p><p>However, limitations of the study included the small sample size and lack of diversity in skin complexions.</p><p>Beyond its benefits for the skin, natto has also attracted attention for its potential anti-ageing benefits on a cellular level.</p><p><span></span>Longevity research enthusiast Leslie Kenny recently spoke to GB News about <a href="" target="_blank">the benefits of taking spermidine</a> - a molecule abundant in natto - for longevity purposes.</p><h3></h3><br><div class="embed-mostread"></div><p><strong>LATEST DEVELOPMENTS </strong></p><ul><li><a href="" target="_self">How to 'stimulate' and improve your skin in your 40s, 50s & 60s - the best practices for each decade</a></li><li><a href="" target="_self">Your shower is making your hair and skin 'worse' - the temperature wreaking havoc</a></li><li><a href="" target="_self">Women over 50 told to follow essential pre-makeup step or risk looking 'prematurely aged'</a></li></ul><h3></h3><br><img alt="LOOK YOUNGER" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="1f195224d55b8c76ffef71c7e93886fb" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="f6e69" loading="lazy" src=""/><p>The key longevity molecule is found abundantly in plant-based foods, with beans and peas being considered excellent sources of the compound.</p><p>“The highest food source of spermidine is in long-fermented Japanese natto,” Kenny explained.</p><p>She noted that certain cheeses, like cheddar and parmesan, are also beneficial.</p><p>Additional sources labelled powerful autophagy activators were mushrooms, turmeric, and citrus peel. </p></br></br></br></br>


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